Because of its focus on the appearance of teeth, mouth, and smile, cosmetic dentistry is categorized as optional. However, there are benefits to cosmetic dentistry and our cosmetic dentist Los Angeles team would like to share the 4 most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures:

Teeth Whitening

One of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures performed by our dentist Los Angeles team is teeth whitening. With time, teeth become stained from drinks, food, medication, and unhealthy habits. In order to reverse these effects, individuals turn to whiten their teeth to make their smile appear brighter and cleaner. There are various different methods that can be used to whiten an individual’s teeth whether it be a take-home method or an in-office process.

Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and Onlays are also known as indirect fillings. These fillings are applied to teeth that do not hold enough structure to be able to support a filling. This cosmetic procedure is used for teeth that have experienced mild to moderate decay. They are meant to provide support to the teeth and work to prevent any further damage and/or restore their shape. Inlays are used specifically when there is no damage to the tooth cusps and are simply placed onto the damaged tooth’s surface. However, when the cusps or the tooth are damaged, onlays are then used and work to cover the entire tooth’s surface.

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Dental veneers are meant to provide individuals with a perfect smile. They are used to repair gapped, chipped, small, or crooked teeth. Dental veneers are realistic porcelain or composite-based prosthetic teeth that are placed over an existing tooth with imperfections. These prosthetics are placed over the tooth using a permanent dental adhesive. This allows the veneers to last for several years.


Dental implants are meant to essentially replace a tooth after it is lost or is damaged beyond repair. In order to accomplish this, a titanium screw is inserted through the site of a missing tooth and into the jaw. Because this form of cosmetic dentistry requires more than just topical work, it is extremely important to ensure that your oral hygiene is heavily cared for after receiving an implant.

About Personal Dental 

At Personal Dental Office, one of the best dentist Los Angeles teams in the area, we work to provide our patients with the quality service and care they deserve. We make sure to do our best to always prioritize our patients’ needs. Make a cosmetic dentistry appointment with us here or follow us on  Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for more updates!

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