As a dentist Los Angeles center, our practice usually receives a lot of questions regarding if patients should use a manual or electric toothbrush.

A dentist in Los Angeles may advise against electric toothbrushes meanwhile other practices give their patients electric toothbrushes to use. So which is it, are electric toothbrushes better or worse than manual toothbrushes?

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Benefits of a Manual Toothbrush

There are many benefits of a manual toothbrush. It is the most traditional and used brush mainly due to its cost-effectiveness. They are easily accessible as most convenience or drug stores carry traditional ones. Manual toothbrushes are also extremely convenient as they are portable and don’t require charging or batteries. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Manual toothbrushes certainly get the job done.

Benefits of an Electric Brush

Just like manual toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes also have additional benefits. Electric toothbrushes are definitely better at removing plaque than traditional brushes. The rotating of the toothbrush helps remove the plaque from teeth, therefore reducing the risk of any cavities or gum disease. Traditional, manual toothbrushes can cause harm to your gums if you brush too hard. Electric ones do most of the brushing for you so you don’t have to worry about brushing too hard and causing gum pain.

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Which Is Best?

The answer is more complicated than just saying manual or electric. The best toothbrush depends on how well you are brushing your teeth.  You are maneuvering the toothbrush throughout your mouth so it all depends on the different angles and ways you are moving the toothbrush throughout your mouth.

About Personal Dental Office:

Personal Dental Office is a dentist Los Angeles practice who provides various services to our patients. We have remained committed to ensuring our patient’s dental health is intact. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more dental health tips and tricks.

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