It’s that time of year again and during this time, it is common to have a little more sweets than what you’re usually used to. Some of these sweets may include Rice Krispie Treats or cookies that are homemade, but during Halloween time, sweets are often store-bought. Whatever the case may be, it is no secret that these treats pose a risk to your oral health. And while we want you to be able to enjoy your Halloween season, it is still important to know what to do and what to avoid to ensure that your teeth are kept clean and healthy. 

Worst Candies For Your Oral Health

  • Sticky candy happens to be some of the most damaging when it comes to your oral health. Because of its consistency, sticky candy can easily get stuck on and in between your teeth, making it more difficult to remove. Sticky candy can include caramel, gummies, taffy, and other similar candies and foods that make it difficult to remove, ultimately leading to them getting stuck in your teeth, attracting bacteria, and causing decay.
  • There are many other types of candy that are just as bad for your oral health, including hard candy, like jawbreakers, lollipops, and suckers. This is particularly bad for your teeth because hard candies that are enjoyed at a much slower rate allow acid build up, ultimately leading to a higher risk for cavities. Additionally, when bitten, hard candies can cause chips, breaks, or cracks in your teeth.
  • Sour and citrus candy are other types of candy that are not so great for your teeth. After all, candies that are both sugary and acidic double in risk factors and are a recipe for rapid tooth decay.
  • Powdered candy, such as Pixie Sticks or Fun Dip are also harmful to your teeth. Although they are only in your mouth for a short amount of time, they are high in acidity, which can be very dangerous to tooth enamel.
  • Dried fruit is often known as a ‘healthy’ alternative to candy; however, much like sticky candy, dried fruit can get trapped on and in between your teeth, making it difficult to remove, ultimately leading to a higher risk of cavities and tooth decay.

protect your teeth

How to Protect Your Teeth

While avoiding candies that are worse for your dental health is the most effective way to protect your teeth, maintaining good oral hygiene is absolutely paramount. It is fine to enjoy your Halloween delights but to ensure that you are protecting your teeth as much as possible, it is imperative that you are vigilant about your post-snack cleaning.

This means that you should take the time to brush and floss regularly, especially after consuming sweets. To ensure that you are making the most out of your oral hygiene regimen, be sure to follow these tips:

  • Brush your teeth after every snack.

When brushing, be sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid any damage to your enamel. Additionally, be sure to brush for at least two minutes after you have finished any sugary snacks.

  • Floss your teeth at least twice a day.

Before you brush your teeth, be sure to floss (morning and night) to remove any leftover substances from your teeth.

  • Limit your consumption of candy to one time daily.

By limiting the amount of candy you have per day, this will give you peace of mind knowing that you aren’t completely neglecting your teeth and will ultimately make it easier for you to maintain a healthy smile during the most vulnerable times.


It is important to know that when you eat any type of food or candy that is high in sugar or acids, it can soften your enamel. Therefore, it is always best to brush and floss your teeth at least 30 minutes after consumption. Additionally, be sure to drink plenty of water when consuming candy or foods high in sugar or acid to ensure that some of the substances are effectively washed away. Water is highly recommended when it comes to keeping your smile as healthy as possible.

Contact Our Team To Maintain a Healthy Smile!

While these tips are very important, it is just as important to visit our Los Angeles dentist to ensure that you are getting the best dental care possible. At your routine dental exam, we will assess your mouth to ensure that it is in good health and utilize preventative measures to avoid any damage to your teeth. And when necessary, we will provide effective treatment to get your teeth back to where they should be.

With years of experience providing exceptional dental care and services for our patients, we are committed to helping our patients achieve the healthiest of smiles for lasting results. If you are seeking a Los Angeles dental office that specializes in a wide range of dental services, our team is here to help from start to finish. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our skilled Los Angeles dentist.

By Categories: Adults, Blog, Kids

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