Investing in braces can be a long and difficult process. If you are able to get through the treatment, braces result in a healthy and beautiful smile. This being said, the process of braces can be a very uncomfortable experience. Our Los Angeles dentist office has compiled a list of 10 tips to help ease the pain and make braces a more bearable experience.

Cold Food & Drinks

When you injure a muscle in the body, you are instructed to ice it to reduce pain and swelling. Your mouth is no different. In situations where your mouth is sore after your braces are tightened, applying a cold pack or eating ice cream is said to reduce pain. In addition, swelling and inflammation are also reduced.

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Salt Water Gargle

Certain situations cause cuts and sores to appear on your cheeks and gums. Gargling your mouth for a minute with warm salt water is a great solution to reduce irritation.

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Soft Foods

When your braces are tightened, your gum and teeth usually become especially sensitive. Eating hard and crunchy foods during this time can result in pain. Instead, it is a good idea to reach for softer foods. Yogurt, soup, and smoothies are a great way to get through the day with nutritious filling meals. Once you feel the increased sensitivity disappear, you should be able to return to your normal eating habits.

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Massages are great for relaxing muscles in your body when they are tight, under stress or in pain. The muscles in your mouth are no different. If braces cause your gums to swell, a light gum massage may help ease the pain and reduce swelling.

Mouth Guards

Our Los Angeles dentist office often advises patients to opt for a mouth guard to protect your mouth from the abrasive wires of braces. If your braces are causing you discomfort to your cheeks during your daily routine, a mouthguard is a great option.

Dental Wax

If a mouth guard is not an option, you should speak to your dentist or orthodontist about wax. Wax can be applied to the metal face of braces to aid in reducing inflammation in your cheeks.

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Over The Counter Painkillers

In situations when other remedies do not provide the needed pain relief, painkillers may be needed. Ibuprofen and other variants are effective methods of reducing any irritation and pain that may arise from braces. Please remember to consult with your dentist or doctor about proper dosage.

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Personal Dental Office, home to top dentists in Los Angeles, adds that discomfort during braces is normal. The degree of discomfort varies from person to person so it is important to notify your dentist of any pain to make sure the pain levels experienced are standard. Pain is usually only experienced after your braces are tightened and usually disappears after your teeth have properly adjusted. In the end, though, the result is a beautiful smile.

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